The Compendium is divided into three parts, plus an
introduction and conclusion. The three parts are not equal in length. The first
part, about theology, has four chapters; the second part, about evangelization,
has seven chapters; the third part, about action, has one chapter.
PART ONE [four chapters]
“The theological dimension is needed both for interpreting
and for solving present day problems in human society”. (Centesimus Annus, 55)
PART TWO [seven chapters]
“...the Church's social teaching is itself a valid
instrument of evangelization. As such, it proclaims God and his mystery of
salvation in Christ to every human being, and for that very reason reveals man
to himself. In this light, and only in this light, does it concern itself with
everything else:
1. the human
rights of the individual,
2. and in
particular of the ‘working class',
3. the family
and education,
4. the duties
of the State,
5. the
ordering of national and international society,
6. economic
7. culture,
8. war and
peace, and
9. respect
for life from the moment of conception until death”.
(Centesimus Annus, 54)
PART THREE [one chapter]
“As far as the Church is concerned, the social message of
the Gospel must not be considered a theory, but above all else a basis and a
motivation for action”. (Centesimus Annus, 57)