Sunday, November 24, 2024

Are pro-lifers still pro-life?

 Friends, for eight years, I have said Trump is worse than Clinton, worse than Biden, worse than Harris.

And I have said that if pro-lifers got too defensive about Trump, they would cease to be pro-life.

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Let me identify about 3,000 kids who will die because of Trump unless you interv

Let me explain how to intervene and protectva child. Then you tell me if you will intervene.

Who's in danger? Some arithmetic.

(1) There about 110 million people displaced, globally. That's migrants, refugees, stateless people. Of the 110 million, about 40 million are UN- certified refugees. (Pro-lifers: not our problem!)

(2) The Trump administration, especially Stephen Miller, is determined to ignore the global crisis,  and in fact make it worse by deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. There will the squabbles about it, and delays. No one knows exactly what will actually get done, nor when.

(3) But suppose Trump and Miller make a hefty start in 2025, and deport one million. A million. Suppose.

(4) A million refugees would include about 10,000 pregnant refugees. That's a very low estimate. So 10,000 new Trump-caused crisis pregnancies in 2025.

(5) Of those 10,000 women, it's likely rhat a third will abort no matter what, and a third will give birth no matter what, and a third will decide what to do based on how much support they foresee. Deportation will disrupt support, endangering 3,000 moms and kids. I am susurTrump's policies will cause far more trouble than that, but these 3,000 are easy to identify.

(6) Pro-lifers can protect these 3,000 kids if we persuade Congress of Trump's administration to mandate a humanitarian for pregnant refugees. A woman found to be pregnant or postpartum is exempt from deportation until the child is one year old.

That exemption may save 3,000 kids from abortion -- maybe far more.

So, the tough question: what will pro-lifers do? Are these kids refugees (not our problem), or are they unborn kids in my neighborhood (our problem)?

I make no prediction here. Maybe pro-lifers are still pro-life. Maybe not.