Burke’s Rebellion
Cardinal Burke demands that Pope Francis accept Card. Burke’s
ideas about marriage, and prioritize life and marriage. DEMANDS! The Cardinal demands that the Pope re-arrange his
ideas about subsidiarity (Card. Burke wants power concentrated in Rome), about
the authority of bishops (limit the local bishop’s power, and concentrate power
in Rome, says Card. Burke), about the role of the Curia (to correct the errant
Pope when necessary – the power concentrated in Rome belongs to the Curia, not
the silly pope). What lit Card. Burke’s fire? Divorce and re-marriage and
receiving Communion.
Burke’s Rebellion goes hand in hand with another Card. Burke
split. The bishops of the United States are solidly – unanimously, as far as I
know – protective of immigrants’ rights. Oops! The bishops in American dioceses
are unanimous, as far as I know – but there is an American bishop now serving
in Rome, without an American diocese, who challenges this unanimity. Burke
sides with Trump, and says carefully, “A Christian cannot close his heart to a
true refugee, this is an absolute principle, there’s no question about it, but
it should be done with prudence and true charity. Charity is always
intelligent; it demands to know: Exactly who are these immigrants? Are they
really refugees, and what communities can sustain them?”
Dear Lord. Listen to this rebel! “True refugee”? The UN screening
process isn’t enough for Card. Burke? He wants extravagant assurances of safety
when he serves! “Charity,” not justice? But the teaching of the Church (from a
true Pope, you know, not this silly Latino, but from John Paul II in Familiaris
Consortio, #46) is that migration is a right. Welcoming refugees and even
economic immigrants is not charity; it’s justice! Card. Burke expects
“prudence” to water down and limit the demands of justice.
Card. Burke is a dissenter on Islam. “Lumen Gentium” says
that Muslims adore “the one and merciful God.” Card. Burke apparently believes
that this authoritative document is not clear. “Nostra Aetate” says the Church
regards Muslims with esteem. Card. Burke says that may be clear, but it’s not
authoritative. All the Popes since the Council have prayed with Muslims; but Card.
Burke sees fit to set aside any teaching value in such practice; deliberate
efforts to set an example do not constitute teaching.
Burke’s Rebellion focuses on matters of sex, but he’s also:
divisive on the rights of migrants, and a dissenter on Islam.
Like all rebels, he’s ready to teach, fired up and ready to
go. He’s got a whole Church – from the Pope on down to humble married folks in
trouble – to straighten out.
Cardinal Burke: Trump’s man in Rome.