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PRO-LIFE Resources
The pro-life movement has worked for 40 years to protect children.  This is a challenge to re-examine the underlying strategy, by a founder of the Prolife Nonviolent Action Project, which laid the foundations of the “rescue” movement in the 1970s.  Emmanuel, Solidarity is available through Amazon ($6) or on Kindle ($3). 
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The driving force behind abortion is not “freedom of choice”; that’s just camouflage.  Abortion came out of the eugenics movement.  The Roots of Racism and Abortion challenges pro-lifers to re-evaluate their opposition, and to see the real driving force.  Available through Amazon ($6) or on Kindle ($3). 
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Most of the debate over immigration focuses on money.  But underneath that, there are much more important issues!  What does Scripture say about hospitality?  The great champions of hospitality are churches, and there’s a reason for that!  The opponents of immigration would prefer to stick to familiar debates about greed, and when the argument shifts to morality, they want to keep it blurry.  But in fact, the Bible has a great deal to say, with crystal clarity and immense urgency!  Check out The Sign of the Crossing!  Available through Amazon ($6) or on Kindle ($3). 
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During Maryland’s 2012 referendum on immigration, John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe challenged an anti-immigration (pro-low-immigration) leader to an online debate about the issue.  Neil Parrott declined.  But Cavanaugh-O’Keefe wrote out 20 brief but cogent arguments for the debate.  Written for Maryland, they apply nationally.  The arguments are fresh, clear, simple, and compelling.  Enjoy Welcome Date to Be Determined.  Available through Amazon ($6) or on Kindle ($3). 
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