

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stand on one leg and GO ...

Can you stand on one leg and list Trump’s disqualifying problems?

Maybe if you’re a gymnast. I can’t.

1.       He’s a liar. No matter what he says today, if it doesn’t make money and win applause today, he won’t say it again tomorrow.
2.       He’s pro-abortion. Even when he was pro-life for a few days – even then! – he was pro-Planned Parenthood and ready to appoint pro-abortion judges.
3.       He treats women like cattle. I like cattle. But women aren’t cattle. When you check out his wife collection, it’s glaringly obvious what he wants from women.
4.       He despises the military. Yeah, I know he has put a lot of money into buying vets’ votes. But he thinks that having the guts to die for your country is a clear sign of a loser. My brother died for his country, and I cannot find it in me to understand anyone – anyone! – who tolerates Trump’s remarks about CAPT McCain. CAPT McCain isn’t a hero because he got captured; he’s a hero because he risked it all, 23 times. What’s wrong with the guy who can’t understand this?
5.       Trump has no idea how the military works. We have the world’s best military, partly because we have money for weapons and R&D, but mostly because we still have people Trump will never understand. People who will risk and lose their lives for others. What makes them great is the guts to risk. And what makes it clear that the risk is real are the casualties. Sorry, you can’t separate our heroes from our casualties. They aren’t heroes because they got killed; they are heroes because they took real risks. Look, try this: here’s a story about the losers Trump wants to order around:
6.       He is ready to demand that loser-soldiers commit war crimes. Killing civilians deliberately is a war crime. Torturing people is a war crime. But Trump says that loser-soldiers will do what the Alpha-Male tells them to do. That’s demeaning, but also ignorant. What’s he got to say about the CIA agent, Sabrina de Sousa, facing trial in Italy now for war crimes – because she cooperated with evils that her bosses said were okay? When you commit war crimes, the tribunals that might go after you include: international law, other nations with laws that we used to support, the contempt of colleagues, and God himself. That’s a lot of exposure that Trump would demand that his loser-soldiers risk. (See
7.       After the war in Vietnam was over, the USA was divided. Veterans came home and were called baby-killers. Trump didn’t fight in that war; he dodged duty repeatedly. (I was a conscientious objector, and did a couple of years of alternative service. I opposed the war, but I honor the men who fought there. I oppose war, but I honor men and women with the guts and generosity to put it all on the line.) The nation pulled itself back together somehow, but Trump is still contemptuous of the military, ready to re-open old wounds. I am so ashamed of the people who think this draft-dodger is tough, because he asks other people to rough up protesters.
8.       After Putin grabbed Crimea, and while Putin held the eastern part of Ukraine, Trump said that Putin wasn’t in Ukraine yet. He didn’t know what was going on. He wasn’t imposing a weird interpretation on the facts; he didn’t know what was happening. That degree of ignorance is no okay for a President.
9.       Did you hear him talking about nukes? Maybe all those free-loaders who depend on us to defend them should go get their own nukes? Did you now he wanted an explanation, over and over, about why we shouldn’t use them?
10.   Trump should be horse-whipped for what he did to Heidi Cruz. I don’t understand the gun culture at all. But sometimes, weapons make people polite. If you insult a guy with a gun, you might die, so you’re polite. But this guy insults Ted Cruz’s wife, carefully, after thinking it over for a few days. Where’s Aaron Burr when you need him? But let’s not go there; if you can’t give life back after a mistake, don’t ever take life. Still, I think Trump should be whipped. I simply cannot imagine how anyone with a grain of self-respect can still defend him after he attacked Heidi Cruz.
11.   He despises Mexicans and other Latinos. That’s my family. Especially my Latina grand-daughter – but really, all the children of Guadalupe. That’s my family whom he despises. I take it personally. I want the wall down, so Americans north and south can visit easily.
12.   He despises Muslims. That’s 1.5 billion children of God. That’s an attack on my students. That’s about my neighbors and friends, whom I love and respect. How does he do that horrible thing? I understand that he does: he is the voice of fear and hatred. I see it, but I can’t understand it.
13.   He despises the Pope. The Pope wasn’t bamboozled in Mexico; he’s been talking about immigrants for years, decades. The Pope planned for months to walk up to that wall and feel the shame and pain of the hateful division. Trump dismissed his teaching, just brushed it off contemptuously. What a blind fool!
14.   He despises Christians. He can smarm with the best, and some folks are gullible enough to fall for it. But “little cup of grape juice” and “little cracker”? That’s contempt. How do you not see it? I don’t get it.
15.   I cannot imagine what goes on inside the head of a guy who makes fun of people with disabilities. I understand brats who do it; they’re ignorant, and they will grow up. But Trump is over 12. He’s been around a while. How do you do that? Where has he been? Why doesn’t he have a lot of friends who live with disabilities, friends he loves, friends with disabilities who inspire and teach him? How do you live 60 years and still do this juvenile stuff? I think he should work in hospitals for a couple of years.
16.   He thinks NATO is optional, and that our allies are cheapskates. He’s okay tossing aside serious efforts to maintain global stability. I don’t understand how anyone can be taken in by this fool.
17.   He admires Putin, because the guy is decisive. Where did this guy go to school? Has he ever read anything?
18.   The KKK act was so hokey. He couldn’t figure out how to keep the KKK vote but not lose the whole anti-KKK vote. Hm, hm, lemme think, who’s this Duke guy. Hey, I’m willing to listen: can anyone explain how Trump can waffle on the KKK and not be a racist? I think he’s a racist, like his father, and I wonder how anyone can support a racist for president and not be a racist. I’m listening, if anyone wants to explain.
19.   He does NOT get things done. He inherited a lot of money from his slum-landlord dad, who got a hand up from his pimp father. If he had invested his inheritance in the stock market, he would have been better off than he is. Four bankruptcies? (Six, but three get lumped together.) This guy is an expert deal-maker? Are you serious? Have you heard the stories from people he cheated? He said he might want to try to re-negotiate America’s debt, same way he chaeted people with his bankruptcies. If the President of the USA suggested that the USA might not want to pay its debts in full, and the dollar was suddenly not secure, would that cause a global depression?  
20.   One of the great evils in immigration abuses – the one that makes so many Americans hate illegal immigration – is that unscrupulous employers bring in illegals and pay them dirt wages, undercutting the local workers who need a living wage. Trump the anti-immigrant uses cheap illegal labor all the time. Even his most evil stance – keep out refugees – is based on fraud. He can’t even do evil without cheating his co-evilists.
21.   He’s a fraud. Trump University? Who benefited from that? How can a thoughtful person want that rip-off artist touching our nation’s money?

Woops. I can’t stand on one leg any longer. But I wasn’t done.