

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Immigration Restrictions Kill

unborn unnamed undocumented uncounted unburied – and dead

American immigration restrictions support population control measures overseas.  The exact number of abortions overseas that are linked to America’s refusal to welcome immigrants is hard to determine.  But it’s possible that anti-immigration pro-lifers who are working hard to save about a million babies from abortion annually here are accidentally helping to trap and kill far more than a million annually overseas.

HOPE!  Every pro-lifer who has spent time outside an abortion clinic is keenly aware that most of what we offer to women who feel trapped is hope.  We offer medical help, legal help, housing, whatever is necessary; and the offers are real and testable.  But women who listen to us and turn around usually don’t take the concrete help we offer.  What they hear from us that matters is, “By God’s grace, this is possible. I can handle this.”  They don’t need money or housing (usually); they need prayer and love – and hope.
DESPAIR.  Women overseas facing poverty and pregnancies may consider fleeing, looking for help in Europe or America.  If the doors of wealthy nations are shut tight, that may be the last straw; that may be the detail that tips a woman into deadly despair.  How often does this happen?  Who knows?  Can we separate and measure all the ingredients of despair among poverty-stricken pregnant women overseas, precisely? What’s clear is that emigration is often an act of desperation.  And if you thwart an act of desperation, vulnerable people suffer deeply.  And when pregnant women despair, babies die.
When Jews were fleeing from Nazi rule, a shipload of refugees sailed out of Hamburg, crossed the Atlantic, came within sight of Miami, and then bounced off America’s immigration restrictions.  The refugees returned to Germany, and died.  The Holocaust Museum in Washington has a list of the passengers on the St Louis who saw the lights of Miami, then went back across the ocean to be exterminated.  How many others knew ahead of time that they weren’t welcome, and didn’t even try?  No stats exist.  It’s hard to measure precisely, but it’s not honest to deny the reality: immigration restrictions kill
When the Golden Venture went aground on Long Island in 1993, 286 refugees from China spilled out.  Some were women fleeing from forced abortion.  President Reagan and Rep Chris Smith led the fight to protect refugees from forced abortion – but it was a fight.  And it still is.  But somehow, many pro-lifers have forgotten what Reagan understood: our immigration restrictions here support depopulation efforts elsewhere.
How many pregnant women try to enter the country illegally – desperately?  And how many pregnant women don’t try?  If they don’t even try to cross our border, is that a “success”?

This isn’t rocket science.  Inhospitality kills babies, and oppresses women.  Pro-lifers shouldn’t do that.